After conquering continents, the Europeans now had masses of fine gold, jewelry, exceptional craftsmanship, newest weapons, other valuable items and opium. Nonetheless, Britain wanted trade with the Kingdom of China. China's economy was bigger than Britain, and the trade was in their favor, so the Brits wanted to tip the balance to them. The Emperor wanted no official trade with England. Nonetheless, there was still unofficial trading of opium for silk and fine porcelain. Sadly because of the greedy trading with Britain, and the obtaining of opium, millions of people were addicted to this drug. This was a problem and a potential money-maker.
After conquering continents, the Europeans now had masses of fine gold, jewelry, exceptional craftsmanship, newest weapons, other valuable items and opium. Nonetheless, Britain wanted trade with the Kingdom of China. China's economy was bigger than Britain, and the trade was in their favor, so the Brits wanted to tip the balance to them. The Emperor wanted no official trade with England. Nonetheless, there was still unofficial trading of opium for silk and fine porcelain. Sadly because of the greedy trading with Britain, and the obtaining of opium, millions of people were addicted to this drug. This was a problem and a potential money-maker.