How can alternative sources of energy be harnessed effectively?
Our modern life today needs energy. World energy demand is more than available energy sources. Fossil fuels are running out every time it is used. So we need to provide new energy that can be harnessed instead of fossil fuel for today and tomorrow. Alternative energy This problem can be solved by LCOE, national grid, and new technologies like Crystal Solar and optimizing battery storage.
Fossil fuel is non-renewable energy that will decrease when we use until it gone. It formed by dead plants and animals which piled up for hundreds years. Three sources of them are oil, coal and natural gas.
Using fossil fuel in daily life for transportation, industry and producing electricity causes many problems to people, environment and animal. To preserve fossil fuels need large amount of money. The depletion of fossil fuel makes high cost and it keep rising that impact on people spending. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, methane and carbon monoxide which causes air pollution and greenhouse effects toward people’s health, animal’s living and atmosphere. Because of these problems from using fossil fuel, there needs to be alternative energy.
Alternative energy has known as clean energy. It is the energy which always available for ages. Alternative sources of energy come from sun, wind, ocean and volcano on earth which is free and renewable. There is lots of renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy and hydroelectric energy. There are many benefits of alternative energy. Most of alternative energy is friendly to environment and people. They will not consume fossil fuel and cause almost no air pollution, so they will not harmful environment. Harnessing of renewable energy is keeping the world from running out of energy, delays and decrease greenhouse effects and global warming because using renewable energy
References: Conserve-Energy-Future,. (2013). Alternative Energy Sources - Solar, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass, Ocean and other energy sources. Retrieved 12 September 2014, from http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/AlternativeEnergySources.php ScienceDaily,. (2014). Technology could lead to more reliable renewable energy systems. Retrieved 20 September 2014, from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/12/131203124532.htm Thesolarfoundation.org,. (2014). 2011 Solar Jobs Census Release | The Solar Foundation. Retrieved 21 September 2014, from http://thesolarfoundation.org/research/national-solar-jobs-census-2011 Union of Concerned Scientists,. (2014). Benefits of Renewable Energy Use | UCSUSA. Retrieved 21 September 2014, from http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/renewable-energy/public-benefits-of-renewable.html Yates, T., & Hibberd, B. (2014). Levelized Cost of Energy. Solarprofessional.com. Retrieved 21 September 2014, from http://solarprofessional.com/articles/finance-economics/levelized-cost-of-energy 2nd draft, Ms.Tidarat K. (Jel) 563050570-1