To what extent does the reputation of foreign cultures in texts, contribute to a cultural divide in Australian culture today?
This paper explores to what extent the representation of foreign cultures on texts contributes to a cultural divide in Australian society today. In this paper it is argued that the portrayal of foreign cultures in texts greatly influences Australian society and contributes to generating a cultural divide. Through a close examination of Jeanie Baker’s, picture book, Mirror as well as many of ex-prime minister Tony Abbott’s speeches, including his 2015 national security statement, it can be seen that our opinions and beliefs about foreign cultures are at times greatly affected by that cultures representation in texts, and can be at times completely inaccurate. This paper …show more content…
Texts can either act as ‘voices’ of or inspiring a cultural divide, or they can challenge that divide and try to bring cultures closer together.
Australia prides itself on its multicultural society, but we are no strangers to racism and cultural divides.
To explore roles texts play in representing foreign cultures this paper looks specifically at ex-prime minister Tony Abbots 2015 national security statement as well as the collage picture book, Mirror, by Jeanie Baker.
In his speeches ex-prime minister Tony Abbott often described certain foreign cultural groups in quite inflammatory ways. Calling different people out as being violent and unruly and other as being sneaky and deceitful. As he was prime minister at the time his word was quite literally law and was taken by many to be the truth. This gave him lots of power over the opinions of many Australian’s but did this power reach so far as to encourage a cultural