Abraham Lincoln is known for being the big guy because he was so tall. He made such a big impact, we put him on Mount Rushmore. We even made him a Giant monument to remember him and what he did when he was here. When he was here, there was a civil war. The civil war could have crushed us. He fought for everyone
and everyones rights. He made it so that the slaves we not slaves anymore, and he made it so we arent so discriminating against people of other races. He was a great leader, even tho he had no military knowledge. He had 'good values and strong moral fiber' that helped him get through the tough times, and through how some people were angry at him for ending slavery and giving everyone the rights they deserve.
Good old George Washington was a great president when it came to military needs. He won wars for us, and was actually in the battlefeild fighting with the men he sent in. He was smart and people loved his leadership, they even offered him a 3rd term in office and he rejected because he thought it was the right thing to do letting someone else into office. He was humble at that.everyone knows him for the phrases that he would say and the wooden teeth he once had. He was a good presedent but i dont think that he was the best, he was to focused on military structure and needs that when he got out of office it was so good that we just wanted and needed to expand and build our new country. He brought us into the 'building years'.
Tomas Jefferson, a great man with a great mind. He carried on the work of Washington when he was done in office but tomas carried it on in our own counrty, he set up the country's schools, and he set up the country's main rights. He wrote the Decloration of independance, which gave us our rights as a new country to do what we want and not have to look to the queen for all of our rules, but instead make our own. He was a good president and he did a good job building the country.
So, out of all of the Great presedents and people that helped our natiion Grow in differnt acspects and proportions. I think that President Abraham Lincoln was the greatest, He had the biggest impact on my life and people around me's lives. We would not be here without the leadership and strenght that they provided to us. Washington and
Jefferson deffenitly helped our country get out of a bad time and into a good one, but Lincoln helped us in those ways and many more.