Leading police and civilian officials discussed the continuing implementation of the "Final Solution.” Note that the Final Solution was defined as, “the systematic mass destruction of Europe's Jews.” This meeting was generated to maintain the planning of the execution of Jews and cause the output to be successful for them (Hitler). Next the Nazi’s(Hitler) maintained dominance through forced labor which “played a crucial role in the wartime German economy.” This allowed Adolf Hitler to be able to financially balance their necessities during the duration of war, stabilizing the economy of Germany during the series of horrific events. Lastly, there was a minimum amount of support from organizations such as the International Red Cross, which “did very little to aid the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution.” 355,278 Jews had to flee their homes for safety, but millions were killed helplessly, with no support from outside organizations. Many were trying to escape but couldn’t due to the immigrant policies of other countries, forcing them to thrive in Germany, which was nearly impossible. This could have been avoided if the Red Cross were able to communicate with countries to amend their policies for certain situations, such as the
Leading police and civilian officials discussed the continuing implementation of the "Final Solution.” Note that the Final Solution was defined as, “the systematic mass destruction of Europe's Jews.” This meeting was generated to maintain the planning of the execution of Jews and cause the output to be successful for them (Hitler). Next the Nazi’s(Hitler) maintained dominance through forced labor which “played a crucial role in the wartime German economy.” This allowed Adolf Hitler to be able to financially balance their necessities during the duration of war, stabilizing the economy of Germany during the series of horrific events. Lastly, there was a minimum amount of support from organizations such as the International Red Cross, which “did very little to aid the Jewish victims of Nazi persecution.” 355,278 Jews had to flee their homes for safety, but millions were killed helplessly, with no support from outside organizations. Many were trying to escape but couldn’t due to the immigrant policies of other countries, forcing them to thrive in Germany, which was nearly impossible. This could have been avoided if the Red Cross were able to communicate with countries to amend their policies for certain situations, such as the