The ancient Chinese civilization invented the compass, and during the Song Dynasty, the military began “developing gunpowder weapons such as the fire-lance and grenades”, according to Ancient Military. The Han Dynasty “was said to have used the most advanced forms of weaponry during that time”, according to Totally History. In fact, iron casting was developed, enabling swords to be stronger. The crossbow was also improved, becoming extremely accurate. Such inventions allowed the Chinese military to be powerful and effective. Innovations were also made to the roadway system. Due to the rule of Qin Shihuangdi, Qin constructed roads which “extended more than 6,800 kilometers” (McMillan, pg. 185). This roadway system allowed ready transportation of army men and it aided communication. Therefore, the ancient Chinese civilization should be preserved in the Great Book of History as it had a powerful and advanced …show more content…
For instance, they “used plants as medicines and guinea pig was also used by many people and was an effective medicine as well for preventing cold and heat”, according to Ancient China Life. Ancient Chinese medicine was effective in improving circulation and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Ancient China was the first to invent acupuncture, a procedure successful in alleviating pain. According to Epoch Times, “Ancient Chinese medical scientists found that there are many acupuncture points on the head, so while brushing the hair, we can massage and stimulate them to open those acupuncture points, relieve pain, and brighten the eyes.” Ancient Chinese scientists also discovered that massaging the scalp improved circulation, thus stimulating better brain function, memory, and nutrition for follicles. Without doubt, ancient China invented successful methods of treating maladies that were natural and