First of all people was introduced to factory work. Even though factories were built to make the work of the people easier it brought new problems as well. The working conditions were very poor. People worked around 14 to 16 hours a day. Only the owners of the factories were satisfied with this kind of working process because they knew that the workers worked for even a small amount of money. The working conditions for women and children were worse than for men. They spend the same amount of time in the factories as …show more content…
Before the Industrial Revolution, there were two major classes that were the nobles and the peasants. However, when the Industrial Revolution occurred new social groups developed that was called the upper class, the middle class and the working class. The working class was considered as the poor class. It was made up of the poor people that worked in the factories for whole days for a small amount of money. The upper class consisted of wealthy people. They lived outside the country and had longer lives because they could afford medication if diseases spread. In the middle class were the doctors, the factory owners and the lawyers. They were similar to the upper class. The only difference between these two classes was that the middle class did not have servants like the upper class, but some of the people had nannies to look after their