How Did Christopher Columbus Exploration Impact The World
Christopher Columbus’ exploration impacted the world. He tried and tried until he succeeded to get his way to explore America. Who knows, if it wasn’t for him discovering America, there may be no America. If Europe never got America there may have never been any discoveries about it. Columbus’s exploration showed that the world isn’t flat. This started up a whole new era of exploration. Before this explorers feared if they couldn’t see land they would fall of the edge of the world. They also believed they would get eaten by sea monsters. But since Columbus made this exploration people realized there was more in the world, so they began to explore more. With the spread of moving people to America religion would begin to spread. Cultures would
begin to spread. Resources would be used from this new land. Native Americans would have their homes taken away. There things not their own anymore. This exploration started the Columbian Exchange. This is the exchanging of plants, and goods.