
How Did Christopher Columbus Successful

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How Did Christopher Columbus Successful
In 1492 the Islamic armies tried, and succeed in cutting off much of the trade to the East.Th ey accomplished this by both closing the overland trade routes, and making the sea routes extremely inaccessible. During this time there were strong anti islamic feelings in the major European countries, this contributed to Columbus’s convincing the royalty of Spain to fund his expedition, because if this expedition succeed it would mean an excellent opportunity to export catholicism to foreign nations. In addition to this there appeared to be a great opportunity to obtain increased power, fame, and fortune for both them and Columbus. Especially as it would mean the ability to bypass the Islamic armies and reopen trade with the east.
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The Mariners Museum states “This idea was revolutionary – not because most people believed the earth was flat, but because no one knew how big the earth really was. No one knew how far it would be or how long it would take to get to the other side of the world.”. As a result of this the voyage was a momentous and dangerous undertaking. It is important to note, however, that this idea was not originally Columbus’s. The first portion of Columbus’s career was spent working as a sailor on commercial ships.It was on one of those ships that he first ventured into the Atlantic Ocean, and it was when he first ventured into the Atlantic that the boat he was aboard was destroyed by pirates off the coast of Portugual. Columbus was forced to float to shore. Coincidently, his brother was living there and Columbus joined him in his work as a bookseller and mapmaker. While there, he met and married Filipa Moniz Perestrelo, the daughter of a governor, Columbus attempted to convince the royalty Portugal to fund his ambitious expedition, but they refused. Despite this refusal Columbus persisted, and approached the king and queen Ferdinand and Isabella with his scheme. For seven years he endeavored to secure funding, and finally he

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