All of these changes in how government was run really benefited the colonies and was even the basis of how government is run in the U.S. today. Even though things in American government seemed to be going smoothly and democracy was taking over the colonies, there was still some undemocratic events occurring at that time. Colonists were only able to vote if they were white male land owning Christians. No other colonies had that right and therefore did not have a choice in colonial government (Doc 2). The slaves who were brought to America while having no say in government also had no choice in their leaving Africa (Doc 5). The blacks were just taken from their homeland and forced to work for no pay against their will. The simplest rights that everyone had in America were not granted to slaves. Restrictions were only put on people of different races, but also people of different genders as well. Women in early America did not have near as many rights as men did (Doc 4). Females did not even have the right to the children they bore and could not own land unless their husband died. So not everyone in America received the same treatment and rights, creating turmoil between groups that still goes on today at times. In conclusion, colonial America was both democratic and undemocratic in many ways. Even though they were beginning to grant people freedoms and giving them choices, many were excluded from those changes. Colonists were not always treated equally, but the new ideas helped shape America today.
All of these changes in how government was run really benefited the colonies and was even the basis of how government is run in the U.S. today. Even though things in American government seemed to be going smoothly and democracy was taking over the colonies, there was still some undemocratic events occurring at that time. Colonists were only able to vote if they were white male land owning Christians. No other colonies had that right and therefore did not have a choice in colonial government (Doc 2). The slaves who were brought to America while having no say in government also had no choice in their leaving Africa (Doc 5). The blacks were just taken from their homeland and forced to work for no pay against their will. The simplest rights that everyone had in America were not granted to slaves. Restrictions were only put on people of different races, but also people of different genders as well. Women in early America did not have near as many rights as men did (Doc 4). Females did not even have the right to the children they bore and could not own land unless their husband died. So not everyone in America received the same treatment and rights, creating turmoil between groups that still goes on today at times. In conclusion, colonial America was both democratic and undemocratic in many ways. Even though they were beginning to grant people freedoms and giving them choices, many were excluded from those changes. Colonists were not always treated equally, but the new ideas helped shape America today.