Many citizens who believed in his tax reform he said he would make voted for him. In “Did economic stress -- or cultural anxiety -- power Trump's win?”, it says that, “The first group saw economic pressure points like free trade and declining wages as the primary factors behind Trump's win.” Also, an interesting factor is that people who did not know who to vote most likely pressed the name that appeared on the ballot first. According to “Did Trump win because his name came first in key states?”, “There is a human tendency to lean towards the first name listed on the ballot," says Krosnick, a politics professor at Stanford University. "And that has caused increases on average of about three percentage points for candidates, across lots of races and states and years.....You are more likely to be affected, Krosnick says, "if you are feeling uninformed and yet feel obligated to cast a vote - or if you are feeling deeply conflicted, say between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.” Many young voters pressured to vote will most likely vote for the first name on the …show more content…
Trump had done many unexpected things like winning states that were usually democratic. In “US Election 2016 Results: Five reasons Donald Trump won” it states, “That left Mrs Clinton's blue firewall, and the firewall was eventually breached….Those were states that had gone Democrat for decades, based in part on the support of black and working-class white voters.” The president went to majority democratic and places Clinton had went, and still won them over. Also, Trump was not afraid and had trust in his own system. In “US Election 2016 Results: Five reasons Donald Trump won”, it says, “Mr Trump ran the most unconventional of political campaigns, but it turned out he knew better than all the experts…. He turned consensus wisdom about how to win the presidency on its head.” This part of the article was titled trust your instincts. Trump won the presidency using his own