During his time in Pavia, which encompassed much of his formal career, Foppa also ran a workshop and worked at the Certosa and on a polyptych for the church of the Carmine. The Adoration of the Kings was created while Foppa was moving from Milan to Brescia, as a teacher of young …show more content…
The wise men have arrived in what is assumed to be Bethlehem and are actively giving gifts to the baby Jesus. There are two men, adorned with crowns, as well as nine unidentified others. Two of these “others”, and the two with crowns, are assumed to be the wise men. One of the wise men is kneeling towards the feet of the new born baby Jesus, who is on the lap of Mary on the left hand side of the painting. The other wise men are holding and opening gold containers. Therefore, it is clear that the core of the foreground scene is depicting Matthew 2:11: “On entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and paid him homage. Then, opening their treasure-chests, they offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” This scene takes place in the day time, which is interesting, as there is a small circle in the top center of the painting that I believe is the “star” alluded to in verse 10. However, logically, stars are rarely seen during the day