B: The political institutions were common in the classical Mediterranean because Greece never actually had a real democracy. Only the rich, white males were able to vote. There was actually a roman republic. Carthage had a monarchy government before the Romans ended up destroyed it. …show more content…
It then continued all the way through the Hellenistic period. At that time Ancient Greece was united in the Roman Empire. It dealt with a large variety of subjects, including political philosophy ethics. That is the religious and philosophical ideas of Greece and Rome.
F: The Greek and Roman intellectual accomplishments is when fine arts restored the classical values and artistic styles. It established the use of proportion, perspective and chiaroscuro in the accurate portrayals of figures and landscapes. That is the main intellectual accomplishments in Greek and Rome.
G: The agricultural life and mercantile societies of the classical Mediterranean was when there was a big trend for large landowners to crowd out all the small farmers. Also the farmers had a difficult time farming because they didn’t have the best land. The olives and grapes grew best in the soil they were growing in. The merchants were making products less advanced and had to ship animals, animal skins, and