The Greeks possessed the defining qualities of someone who influences greatly.
And that’s what made them successful in all their endeavors. As what I’ve observed, they showed keen curiosity in their respective fields. Philosophers creating brilliance out of their sheer knowledge and critical thinking. Artists who came about experimenting with their own craft and hence, the existence of different art styles that up to now are being praised for. And rulers of what were once called as “polis”, which transcended into an emerging Athenian empire. Their persistence when it comes to power has been nothing short of unbelievable. To say the least, it seemed as if they were always on the lookout for military and political
True enough, they’ve presented people of this generation how achieving the desired former political stance was made possible by their own gusto and the right kind of leadership brought by their oligarchies. Establishing the preferred conduct and rules, the Greeks have widened their governance—thus, bringing about a few hindrances in the form of foes, but have skidded their way past them. It also left me astonished along with their military or political growth; they have also managed to keep their economic status at high and intact.
Another flourishing point too of Ancient Greece contributions is the rise of formal education and teaching, as brought about by the native philosophers Plato and Aristotle. It thrived to be the best there as a training ground for aspirants. In relation to that, second would be science and mathematics as taught by the same excellent logicians. Theorems and other calculations were derived and were proven to be affirmative. Lastly, the arts, literature and architecture then also played a pivotal part in their society and now, it functions as the basis for all great artworks or literary pieces of today and the style/form was derived from the classics. The only difference is that the delivery has varied as to art has also revolutionized.
It would take more than a day to list down all the other unmentioned contributions, for instance, language and the alphabet and there are some that passes by us that are unknowingly Greeks’ property. If I do say so myself, claiming that Ancient Greece has influenced the world would be an understatement. It has molded us according to its roots and what it was accustomed to. Not only did it impart its material contributions, but they have also demonstrated the qualities of a well-rounded member of a community. It goes beyond what you show but it is about what you possess inside. In conclusion, if I were asked to name what I think is the core or most important contribution of Ancient Greece, I’d gladly say that it is their pursuit of excellence in every field imaginable that captured my attention.