
How Did Henry Clay Win The Charter For The Bank Of The United States?

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How Did Henry Clay Win The Charter For The Bank Of The United States?
This is a time of increased nationalism for Americans after the victory against the British. Its important to note, that during this time the demise of the Federalist Party occurred after they decided to have the Hartford Convention. The purpose of the Hartford Convention was that the Federalists were threatening succession from the United States if they didn’t receive these concessions; the constitution be amended, as well as compensation for their losses during the War of 1812. Thus, their reputation was destroyed. From there, Henry Clay played a major role in the renewal of the charter for the Bank of the United States as well as advocating “The American System” which was to establish internal improvements such as roads for the states at the expense of the federal government. Then, there was the Great Compromise of 1820 which established Missouri as a slave state, and Maine as a free state. It also declared that slavery should not occur above the 36, 60 line. Towards the end of the era the Monroe Doctrine was written by John Quincy Adams telling Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. In return the US would stay out of European affairs. This era would end with the election of 1824 or the “corrupt …show more content…
An example would be during this time tariffs which did not actually benefit the nation, in particular the south who traded in a market that was unprotected by tariffs, and then had to pay the tariff for the goods that they produced. Additionally, there was the establishment of the second Bank of the United States, which was favored predominately by small business and such, in particular those in New England. Plus, there was the compromise of 1820 which actually just led to the Civil War because while it would keep the “balance” between the north and the south, it increased sectionalism which only further divided and contrasted the views of the north and

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