First and foremost, James Watson had a very influential life. James was born in Chicago, Illinois as an only child. His boyhood
interest in bird watching turned into a huge desire to learn genetics. His dream became possible when he earned his Ph.D in zoology at Indiana University. Soon after, he chose to change the direction of his studies toward the structural chemistry of nucleic acids and proteins. He studied bacteriophages while experimenting with molecular structure. Watson became more and more intrigued by this and soon discovered the molecular structure of the DNA molecule. He studied bacteriophages while discovering the double helix. Now Watson is retired and enjoys small things such as walks on the beach.
To emphasize, his main discovery was the structure of DNA. Once Watson met the scientist Crick, they found a common interest in finding the structure of DNA. After lots of guessing based on evidence from king college, there first serious effort was unsatisfactory. There second attempt used more model building stragedies to discern the molecular structure of the DNA molecule. After lots of experimenting and theorizing, Watson and Crick resulted in the proposal of the complementary double helix configuration. Soon later thay found that TMV chemical subunits were helically arranged.
After discovering the DNA’s moleculer structure, a huge scientific breakthrough happened. Once James came upon the molecular structure of DNA, it made studying the cell much easier and led to other discoveries and curiosities. Those curiosities include the anatomy of viruses. After distinguising DNA’s molecular structure, reasearch of the role of RNA in protein synthesis began.