How Did John Locke Influence The Constitution
In my opinion, John Locke was one of the philosophers who had a great impact on the U.S constitution. John Locke’s interpretation of the social contract that, “the government should protect our rights so that the people don’t over throw the government” led to ensuring the people’s rights in the constitution. The U.S constitutions’ preamble expresses how the constitution was made so that the government can be fair to its citizens and so that the citizens maintain protected. Because of John Locke’s influence on the people who wrote the constitution, we have the right to vote. The president and government are still supposed to protect our rights and if the president commits certain violations then he can be impeached.
Today, the U.S constitution
does not allow the government to make any laws for religion. John Locke began the freedom of belief with his essay, “A letter concerning toleration” and now our beliefs about religion do not affect where we decide to stand politically. John Locke believed that religious diversity would be better because the people would be fine believing what they truly believe instead of faking to believe something only because they are forced. Now, the separation of church and state gives people the freedom to choose whatever religion and whatever political side they believe is better. I think John Locke greatly influenced the Constitutions protection towards citizens’ rights and liberty.