
How Did King Louis Xvi Cause The French Revolution

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How Did King Louis Xvi Cause The French Revolution
There were a lot of things going on in France during the 1780. France was in a huge debt and had many financial issues because of King Louis XVI, who was not the brightest star in the sky. He threw many parties without even knowing that he would soon be in big trouble. Everyone was starting to get sick of being under his rules. And that’s how the French revolution had begun. This story will be told as a commoner’s view of this whole revolution. King Louis XVI was a very fun-loving person. He threw parties here and there until one day he realized that there was a financial crisis in his own country, which meant that he didn’t have any money left. He became desperate so he called for the meeting of the estates. There were three groups of the estate: the clergy, the nobles, and the …show more content…
They were demanding to see the King and hurting every soldiers that stopped them. And the plan turned out successful at the end. They went to King Louis’s palace and made him promise that he would return and became the third estates’ prisoner so they won’t have to go far to see their king. This March showed the power of the commoners-mostly women. This was a pivotal event that helped the people get a little closer to what they really want. The Reign of Terror begun after King Louis XVI’s death. It was a rather violent uprising of the people. Many people were put to death lead by Maximilien Robespierre. Most of them were killed because of treason by the guillotine, which is a beheading tool used during the French Revolution. The government also started going in a weird direction. People anted republic more than democratic and killed everyone that was not on the side of the republic. The Reign of Terror was not necessary to contribute to the rise of democracy, but it showed the anger and the power of the people. Napoleon was just a lieutenant at the beginning, but things changed after he won battles after battles for France. Once he succeeded through military, he went out to gain

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