
How Did Lenin Build The Soviet Union

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How Did Lenin Build The Soviet Union
In 1917, two revolutions swept through Russia, ending centuries of imperial rule and starting political and social changes that led to forming the Soviet Union. (1)
In result of the February Revolution, power was shared between the weak provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet. In the October Revolution, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader, Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coupd’état against the provisional government. The Bolsheviks and their allies occupied government buildings and other strategic locations in Petrograd, and formed a new government with Lenin as its head. (1)
Lenin became the virtual dictator of the first Marxist-State in the world. His government made peace with Germany, nationalized industry and distributed land, but in 1918 had to fight a devastating civil war against anti-Bolshevik White-Army-forces. In 1920, the anti-Bolsheviks were
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Schools were placed under the Commissariat for Enlightenment; they were interested in teaching Western ideas, which stressed “learning by doing”. (2)
Schooling was a disaster. The majority of teachers was not communists, had a poor understanding, and did not know what was expected of them. Teaching became worse due to teachers losing authority and being considered as ‘school workers’. This liberal approach was abandoned and more traditional methods restored with the introduction of the NEP (New Economic Policy). (2)
Under the NEP, financial pressures meant that the idea of universal schooling had to be abandoned; by 1925, the number of students was barely half the total of two years earlier. (2)
In 1920’s there were 2 main standards in the school-curriculum: General education; learning about communism and the history of the revolution, and Practical education; focusing on technical subjects and industrial training. (2)

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