Leonard is well known for his paintings.
Many thing influences Leonardo work , depending on each artwork there is a different influence. In the Mona Lisa his influence is a women looking for a self portrait and cash in her hand willing to pay for it. The influence in his artwork The last Supper his influence is the bible and what a person learns in church at a younger age. He wanted to give people a visual of how he felt the last Supper looks like. He got the idea of the last Supper when he was thinking to himself one day how does the last Supper look, so he started sketching the image is his head and that image is still put up in houses now in the 20th century. Leonardo created The Last Supper based on the bible and a mental image. The last Supper looks like Jesus and his 12 deciples sitting at a table having a big feast before he could tell them that one of them betraied him as told by the Gospel of
I choose Leonardo da Vinci work the Last Supper because if you look closely to the painting every deciples hand, face and fingers, and clothes had so much detail. I really like this painting because without this visual representation of how Jesus or his deciples look when he told them the bad news , people back then and today wouldn't have had such great details and colors to show how the moment went. It feels like you are in the painting and watching live what Jesus told his deciples and their reaction to it. One major thing I learned about Leonardo is that his dad was sneaking around with his made and had his son with a peasant that really didn't get to see her son being raised because he was raised by his step mothers. Also, I learned Leonardo was raised by his step mothers which mean his dad had more that one wife which is not only disgusting but disrespectful to the women because it breaks almost every rule that shouldn't be broken while married.