Malcolm X as an audacious advocate and a controversial leader. He is known to be a controversial leader because he preached about race separation as against to integration, and as a result the leaders of the Nation of Islam became angry and displeased with him.
And from there, he created enemies and he felt that the organization was being too passive. Malcolm X believed in the idea of separation between blacks and whites, and he broke away from the Nation of Islam organization and he went off to create his own movement. Malcolm X became an angry man who wanted revenge especially for the death of his father. Malcolm X came from a family who lived in poverty; he dealt with the prejudice and racist nature of people that formed around him and struggled with the death of his father at the age of 6. After the death of his father, his family began to split. His mother could not accept that her husband had died and went into a mental breakdown and was sent to a hospital. Malcolm X was sent to live with white foster parents. Growing up for Malcolm was difficult despite the fact that he came from a bad background. He dropped out of high school at a young age and moved to Boston where he began involving …show more content…
himself in the wrong crowd; he began to do illegal activities like dealing drugs, committing armed robberies, and drinking. Few years later, he is arrested and sent to jail. In jail, he becomes a new person and everything changes for him because of his conversion to Islam encouraged by the Nation of Islam. He shows his fellow black Americans that change is possible through religion and education. After involving himself in the NOI organization and his pilgrimage, he realizes that the original teachings of Islam oppose to the version of Islam that he was preaching to others about. Malcolm X wants to explain himself and dispel the old teachings, but he does not get the chance because he is assassinated in 1965. Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr.
and Rosa Parks were all historically recognized as important figures to the civil rights movement. Despite all three recognized as important figures in history, Malcolm X did not receive the same amount of recognition as did Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. Between Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., they both fought for equal opportunities and freedom for the colored race. They fought for the same goal, by raising awareness of the injustice of the colored race, but they utilized different ways of reaching it. The way they fought is visible in their leadership quality, experience and style. Martin Luther king Jr. encouraged the coloreds to protest non-violently, whereas Malcolm X encouraged the coloreds to fight back violently. This was based on their background and experiences, Martin Luther King Jr. grew up in a comfortable and peaceful childhood, but Malcolm X on the other hand experienced a lot. He became an angry, a strong and a fierce looking person who always sought to have revenge, especially towards the white oppressors. Most often, heroic figures in history are extolled not only for what they did, but how they did it. Martin Luther King Jr. is highly praised more due to his charismatic leadership style and as a non-violent man; because of that Americans have dedicated a day in the month of January to him. Malcolm X did not get this much recognition generally because, individuals that succeed and fought in a peaceful manner
is remembered more. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for the black community much like Malcolm X, but instead of motivating the blacks to have pride in them, he promoted harmony, unity and peace. Malcolm X wanted the blacks to take control of their own community, but Martin Luther King Jr. saw it in a different way. He wanted America to have all the different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds to come together and have same amount of freedom and opportunities. And between Malcolm X and Rosa Parks, Rosa Parks received more recognition than Malcolm X because she was more successful. Through Rosa Parks, change occurred granting the African Americans more freedom. She is recognized for a bus boycott and refusal of giving up her seat to a white man. Malcolm X fought for the injustice of African Americans like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Park, they fought for racial equality and Malcolm X fought for black superiority which was not as successful. And he is not celebrated as much because of his violent actions and many feared him.