Holocaust motivated many individuals to strive to change the world and demand equal rights for all.
After the end of the Second World War, the United Nations were formed with the goal of keeping peace around the world. In 1948, the Declaration of Human Rights, a document which outlined all the rights every human being is entitled to was released. It should be noted that throughout history, the Declaration of Human Rights was not always adhered to and groups of people were being targeted and treated inhumanely, especially in America. In those cases, leaders arose and fought for the rights of these targeted groups. One such leader is Malcolm X, who through his speeches and actions …show more content…
He preached this ideology through his speeches.
The Hinton Johnston incident was the incident which made the public aware of Malcolm X. In 1957, a Nation of Islam member, was beaten up by white police officers. On April 26, Johnson and two other black people, saw the officers beating a fellow African American with night-sticks. They attempted to intervene, shouting “You’re not in Alabama. This is New York!” one of the police officers turned to Johnson and beat him so severely that he suffered brain contusions and subdural haemorrhaging. All African American men where arrested. Malcolm X found out about the incident anda small group of muslims rushed to the police station and demanded to see Johnson. Police denied that any Muslims were being held, but when about 500 more people gathered outside the station, they allowed Malcolm X to speak to Johnson who arranged for an ambulance to take
Johnson to hospital. The police of course resisted, but since 4000 people had now gathered at the station, an ambulance was arranged. After everything was taken care of, Malcolm X