
How Did Martin Luther Contribute To The Protestant Reformation

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How Did Martin Luther Contribute To The Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther was a key figure in the movement, for he started the Protestant Reformation. Luther was born in the Holy Roman Empire. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, and his father took him to a different school. But he went to college after that school and learned philosophy, astronomy, geometry, and arithmetic. Then one day he was walking around, and a thunderstorm came, and almost got stuck by lightning; he said it was a sign from God and said he would become a monk. Instead of continuing his path of becoming a lawyer, he went to an Augustinian monastery. He did not quit studying and still went to college but after a while, he took a break to be a representative for Rome to serve German Augustinian monasteries. After a while, he …show more content…
But the church taught through good works and pleasing God. But Martin Luther soon saw this, which started the Protestant Reformation. After a while the Catholic church began to use indulgences; the practice had been banned in Germany, but it was used anyway. A lot of the churches used the money to make renovations to the church or the money went to the pope. Almost immediately, Martin did not like the practice of indulgences. He soon wrote the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences.” That is also known as the 95 Theses. A lot of people believe he nailed this on the door of the Wittenburg Castle church for everybody to see. He did this to annoy the church and spread the word that the church is not teaching about God correctly or the use of indulgences. The 95 Theses quickly spread throughout Europe and started a debate against the church. There was a debate against Cardinal Thomas Cajetan and both Luther and Thomas protected their ideas well but soon Luther had enough and refused to believe he was wrong and went back to Wittenberg. Soon, the pope declares Luther's theses to be very different from the

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