
How Did Martin Luther King Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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How Did Martin Luther King Influence The Civil Rights Movement
Have you ever wondered how one man could be able to change the points of view of a thousand. “During the last half of the twentieth century in the United States, Martin Luther King, Jr. emerged as the major leader of the modern civil rights movement. He organized groups in large numbers of African Americans during 1960s to aggressively pursue non-violent disobedience in pursuit of racial justice and economic equality” (Thomas Carson and Mary Bonk, par. 1). Martin Luther King grew into the most essential voice for the Civil Rights Movement because he believed in using nonviolent resistance to try and overcome injustice, by guiding peaceful mass demonstration in many communities, that led to a march that attracted more than 250,000 black and …show more content…
1960, in Greensboro, N.C, the “Sit-In” movement was began by African American students who were opposing segregation at lunch counters in city stores. (“Biographical Essay”, par. 2). “ On April 15, 1960, the SCLC called for a conference of sit-in leaders to coordinate the movement” (“Lincoln, par. 4). Martin Luther was arrested in 1960 at a sit-in in Atlanta. (Bruns and Roger, par. 23). On Nov 1961 the same year, Congress of Racial Equality begin their first “Freedom Ride” through the South to protest bus facilities.(Bruns and Roger, par.25). “In Nov. 1961, the US Supreme Court declared Alabama’s laws segregating buses unconstitutional” (McGuire William and Leslie Wheeler, par. 1). Martin Luther King meets with president John F. Kennedy to gain a backing up for the Civil Rights (Bruns and Roger, par.26). “Due to that and other aspects of his work, King gradually gained the support of president John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert F. Kennedy, the US attorney general” (McGuire William and Leslie Wheeler, par. 9). In May 1962, Martin Luther was requested to assist in the Civil Rights conflict in Birmingham, Alabama.(Lincoln, par. 11). In July 27, 1962 amid a protest movement in Albany, Georgia, King was arrested and jailed again.” (Bruns and Roger, par.27). “In 1963, King made a speaking tour, recruiting and obtaining money for bail bonds for those arrested in the struggle,” (Lincoln, par.11). On April 1963, Martin Luther King Was demonstrating without a permit and was arrested by police commissioner Eugene “Bull” connor in Birmingham Alabama. (Bruns and Roger, par.28). His arrest marked the beginning of the desegregation movement in Birmingham that gathered worldwide publicity of the cruelty and the violence inflicted upon the protesters. (Bruns and Roger, par.28). “In 1963, king was part of the Civil Rights struggle in the Birmingham, Alabama campaign. These demonstration called for a variety of changes in the treatment of the African Americans.”

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