
How Did Martin Luther King Jr Use Peaceful Resistance

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How Did Martin Luther King Jr Use Peaceful Resistance
We the Students Essay Peaceful resistance is when one does not use violence or destroy property to get people’s attention about a law they feel should be changed. Many think using peaceful resistance will not work, so they use violent protesting instead thinking that there will be a bigger difference than not using violence. I think that peaceful resistance has a better outcome for those protesting rather than the ones who use violence. Many think that you have to make a huge scene about something for people to notice, so that usually brings them to the conclusion of destroying properties and starting riots. When you protest/resist a law peacefully there is less of a fall out, because the one protesting is using her right to freedom of speech. Plus, this gives people a chance …show more content…
He stood up for laws he thought were unjust in the 1960s, he led marches and had rallies. He did not encourage violence during these events. MLK Jr. understood that doing these things could possibly lead to repercussions and was willing to take them, unlike violent protestors they think they shouldn’t get in trouble for destroying someone’s property or threatening their rights because they did it for a cause they truly believed in. One example of a violent protestor during Martin Luther King Jr. era was Malcolm X. He was fighting for the same thing that MLK was fighting for but he used a different method. Instead of working with others and being peaceful he used violence to get what he wanted. He created the Black Panthers which was a violent group back in the 60s. Even though he accomplished some good things, like getting tons of African Americans in the north to go vote he did this in the wrong way. He caused many riots and injuries of others which eventually led to his death when a member of his own group shot and killed him. Maybe if he had not used violence, he may have been able to accomplish more than what he

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