With his groundbreaking themes presented through ballet, Nijinsky was in effect inserting himself into a larger world conversation about sexual identities. The androgyny of Nijinsky's characters merged the vast chasm of perceived differences between the male and female sex, symbolically connecting the two (Karthas 982). This connection made by Nijinsky in his choreography mirrors the actual groundbreaking scientific study about sex and gender that was happening at the time. In 1896 a German doctor named Magnus Hirschfeld began scientific research on sexuality; in particular he focused on the idea that there weren't simply two sexes, but that there were many different blended examples that could define a persons sexuality (Djajic-Horvath). In 1897, Berlin saw the founding of the Scientific Humanitarian Committee, a group who were advocating the rights of homosexual individuals (Levy). Later, in 1919, Hirschfeld opened the first official institute for the study of sexology (Djajic-Horvath). All of these changes were happening in another country, but the fact that people from different cultures could still share the same ideals shows us how connected to one and other we truly …show more content…
His physical and technical abilities helped restore ballet's reputation and credibility as an art form in the eyes of the people. If it weren't for Nijinsky, ballet might have been lost forever. He also completely redefined the movements associated with ballet, by liberating them from the constraints of the five position classical method. These newer more modern body positions continue to be used to this day. The themes presented in his ballets broke boundaries by presenting new images of sexual identity. Nijinsky used the art of ballet as a venue to voice his thoughts and opinions on gender ideology. In doing so, he contributed to the expression of the collective thoughts of forward thinking individuals in his generation. Nijinksy's story is one that reminds us of how great an impact art and personal expression can have on the world around us. That one man could have contributed so much in such a short period is truly