
How Did President Trump's Impact On Society

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How Did President Trump's Impact On Society
In the last presidential elections in America, Trump’s campaign took over the country by storm when Trump then just a presidential hopeful made bold promises to implement reforms that would make America great again. Trump rose from political obscurity to clinch the coveted seat at the white house to prove critics of his political inexperience wrong. Trump vowed to make waves in Washington and since he was sworn in, he has done exactly that. President Trump has dominated the headlines of many media outlets in his first year as president. As president, Trump has the best interest of the country at heart but the way he has gone about implementing and defending his policies has caused friction among Americans which has in turn negatively impacted the society. Trump has on several occasions been criticized for his disruptive feuds, scathing language, and derisive tweets that have divided the nation and overshadowed his efforts to make the country great. This paper will discuss President Trump’s impact on the society.
Sticking to the promise he made during his campaign to make significant reforms to crack down the problem of immigration, Trump approved some controversial immigration
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Trump already showed that he will be an unconventional president when he won the presidency without having held any elective office position before. Unlike his predecessors, president Trump has shown that he is the least bit concerned about being politically correct on various issues. His opinions on some sensitive issues have been considered to be blunt and reckless and shining a negative light on a country he claims to love dearly. Trump claimed that America was broken and needed to be fixed. He was democratically elected to do just that. It is time for him to step up his leadership and reward the faith that his strong supporters placed on

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