How did slavery begin in America and how did it ended?
From slavery to freedom is a journey that will never be forgotten in America the way that point of time was resolved. At the time, it was nightmare for the slaves. They were bought, sold and not less they were used as workers in the American soil. The Africans were needed at the American soil because they were to protected and keep the economy country solvent. Therefore, the first African slaves were brought to America at Jamestown, Virginia in 1619.
During this period, some white folks were poor and worked as indentured servants as well. A contract that was writing, said that this contract would last about four to seven years. At the time, the first enslaved …show more content…
Africans worked hard to finish there years to come and they became free tradesmen as well as property owners on American soil. A journey that was about more land and economy was the two major reasons that more slaves were brought to America. Therefore, black slave workers became useful and valuable and they were worth a lot of money. The reason that slaves were useful and valuable was because they were use as manual labor. The southern America needed laborers to work on large farm dealing with rice, tobacco, indigo, cotton, and sugar cane. Other slaves labored as craft workers, dockworkers, and servants. Slaves in the northern America region worked on small farms and others that had or didn’t had skills labored in factories and along the coast as fishermen, shipbuilders, craftsmen, and helpers and tradesmen.
In 1750, the American soil grew so fast that over 200,000 African slaves were here.
Fifty years later, it tripled itself to 800,000. African slaves outnumbered the white population of south Caroline alone and they became a part of half of the population in the states of Maryland and Virginia. The population of the free black Americans expand up to 40,000 throughout the colonies by 1770.
The beginning of slavery
A Dutch ship in 1619, the white lion, were the ones that captured the first slaves. Going against a battle with a Spanish ship, they captured 20 enslaved Africans. From the battle, they attended to land in Jamestown, Virginia to repair the ship. As indentured servants, the Dutch made a trade for food and supplies by trading the enslaved Africans to the colonials.
In 1619, when the first Africans arrived via Jamestown, Virginia as indentured servants. However, there was a way that the Africans could earn their freedom. By working as laborers and artisans for the European settlers, Africans could earn their freedom from the year 1619 to 1640. However, they could also become free people and enjoy their freedom as the other settlers. In the year 1640, Maryland was known the first colony to institutionalize slavery. In 1641, Massachusetts came up with their own rules that said ‘’bondage was legal’’ servitude, at that moment slaves could be bought and owned by their