
How Did Stalin Achieve True Marxism

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How Did Stalin Achieve True Marxism
Russia was the first ever state to actively make an attempt at a communist government. Karl Marx’ The Communist Manifesto, released in 1848, led to the rise of a new ideology. After many events in History, people began to question if capitalism was truly the best form of government. When questioning that, many civilians turned to take a look at communism. After the October revolution in Russia, led by the Bolshevik Workers Union in 1917, a man named Vladimir Lenin implemented communism into their government. The question, however, is did Lenin’s successor, Joseph Stalin achieve in making Russia a true communist state? Stalin did not achieve a perfect Marxist state because of his distorted views of communism. Instead of only confiscating the …show more content…
The lack of centralized communication was also one of Stalin’s downfalls to not becoming a true Marxist state, along with equality in general, Stalin did to provide equal access to communication to those who were not of a certain rank. Stalin began his integration into communism with the confiscation of all property of rebels and emmigrants. According to Marx, one of the main points in achieving true communism was the confiscation of all property of rebels and immigrants. If you take a look at the document Branded Kulaks and Dispossessed, the very first paragraph states that everyone opposed or resisted joining the kolkhoz was punished and had all property confiscated from them. (Dubova, 1928-1929) To Stalin, this met the definition …show more content…
Stalin tries to achieve this by putting the majority of focus on industrializing Russia. He attempts to even the balance with the establishment of collectivization farms. The reason for this establishment was to “enforce bring together small-scale family farms into much large collective farms called kolhozy.” (Source A-21.2, 1212) The idea behind these farms was that it was for the people at large. Stalin’s neglect at balancing the importance of both agriculture and manufacturing industries and the unsuccessful attempts to with collectivization farms is another reason as to why Stalin never truly succeed at making Russia a Marxist state. In the primary source document The Results of the First Five-Year Plan by Joseph Stalin, it is clear that Stalin places a bigger emphasizes on Industrialization. (Stalin, 1933) He goes into detail about the long list of new industries developed during this time, and how he has managed to supersede European Industries. Very little emphasis is placed on

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