The 1929 Stock Market crash started to brew at the start of the decade when people were buying a lot of stocks. Soon the stocks became overpriced for whatever the company was worth when the stock market was working turning at a high, Dow average of around 498. This was forming a bubble economy, and the bubble kept on becoming bigger and bigger as time went by. Huge amounts of money were at the hands of bankers and they were the ones who were doing the leverages. It was only time before the bubble popped and the people
The 1929 Stock Market crash started to brew at the start of the decade when people were buying a lot of stocks. Soon the stocks became overpriced for whatever the company was worth when the stock market was working turning at a high, Dow average of around 498. This was forming a bubble economy, and the bubble kept on becoming bigger and bigger as time went by. Huge amounts of money were at the hands of bankers and they were the ones who were doing the leverages. It was only time before the bubble popped and the people