
How Did The Bog Body Die?

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In 1952, a body was found in a grass bog, in the town of Windeby, Germany. The owners of the land wanted to cut the bog down for fuel and sell it. Though as they were cutting the bog they found a human body. However when they came across the bog body they stopped digging and saw that the body was damaged, there was damages to one leg, a foot and a hand which was detached from the body. When the body was discovered archaeologists had pieced all of evidence together, which caused many theories to arise and people asking why, how and when did, the mystery bog body die? This Mysteries bog body was the first body found in Windeby, which is why the bog body was named and known as ‘Windeby Girl’.

When, Where and who found Windeby
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Although there is no actual evidence suggesting that the two bodies had a relationship with each other it is just a theory.

Theory’s about how Windeby Girl Died
The theory about Windeby girl was a victim of an unnatural death. She had have been blindfolded, and half her head had been shaved. When her body was found and examined there were no signs of trauma, and evidence from the skeleton suggests she may have died from repeated bouts of illness or malnutrition. As for the woollen blindfold covering her eyes there is a theory that the band probably slid down over her eyes as a result of the body’s shrinkage, and had likely been used to hold her hair back or to cover her eyes after death. And that her half shaven head was probably due to the lack of oxygen. But all these are theory’s no one actually knows what happened to her body and what the blindfold and shaven head

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