To address these problems, The Constitutional Convention was called in 1787. Many important delegates from their respective colonies attended to help revise the failing document and George Washington was invited to head the discussion. Several members saw far more benefit in creating a new government rather than attempting to fix the old one. With this concept in mind, The Constitution was written and revised over a four month period and signed by the members of The Constitutional Convention to be admitted for ratification by the individual colonies. It would take a year of constitutional conventions and a good deal of persuasion on the parts of the Constitutions supports - like Alexander Hamilton - for it to eventually be ratified in June of 1778, officially reestablishing the United States government. George Washington was elected as the obvious first as president in
To address these problems, The Constitutional Convention was called in 1787. Many important delegates from their respective colonies attended to help revise the failing document and George Washington was invited to head the discussion. Several members saw far more benefit in creating a new government rather than attempting to fix the old one. With this concept in mind, The Constitution was written and revised over a four month period and signed by the members of The Constitutional Convention to be admitted for ratification by the individual colonies. It would take a year of constitutional conventions and a good deal of persuasion on the parts of the Constitutions supports - like Alexander Hamilton - for it to eventually be ratified in June of 1778, officially reestablishing the United States government. George Washington was elected as the obvious first as president in