
How Did The Civil Rights Movement Change In The 21st Century

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How Did The Civil Rights Movement Change In The 21st Century
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In this 21st century, is this America where we live, pay taxes, work, and go to school, really a residence of an United States, and “one nation, under God,” as its stated it our pledge of allegiance that one may have been taught in primary( elementary) school? In 1865, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the 13th Amendment of the Constitution, abolishing slavery in America; African Americans were legal free, but America was not united. Years later, change begin to emerge. Attention of the Plessy and Brown cases, the establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, show forth the changes and process that African American have made since the abolishment of slavery. Change is enviable for growth, and the media during the civil rights movement
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In observation to the struggles, and sacrifices made in the 20th century by some of America’s game changing citizens brought about an awareness of their acts which established a platform to stand on for rights of African-Americans in this century. After the abolishment of slavery, the state of Louisiana passed a law for,” railroads to ‘provide equal but separate accommodations for whites and colored races” (Jillson 445) known as the separate but equal law. This law stated that racial segregation is constitutional as long as the facilities provided for blacks and whites are approximately equal. Homer Plessy, whom was a citizen of Louisiana and had a very small percentage of black heritage set out to challenge the law. Plessy knew that according to the law he was permitted to ride the train but must sit in the area designated for his race. Knowing his area to sit, he chose to sit purposefully in a seat for “whites” and be arrested. Plessy lawyer indicated that Louisiana “stature violated

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