because intellectuals that were part of the enlightenment movement began to question the hierarchy system. Instead of emphasizing traditional values like those who came before, the enlightenment focused more on the individual and reason. The ideas from the philosophers eventually made their way to Because of the ideals of the enlightenment, people were starting to realize that their natural rights were being infringed upon by those in the upper class causing a revolt in lower classes. They also wanted popular sovereignty, which is basically to be ruled by the people. Unfortunately, the people were not able to reach their goal completely since Napoleon Bonaparte came into power directly after the revolution. Just before the revolution began, the country had very little money. There was also a drought and a shortage on food making it very expensive to purchase. Since the lower classes were poor already, this made a huge impact on them. To fix this, higher class people began to be taxed on their land and they were not happy about it. Because of this an assembly was made to
represent the classes that were affected by this and they complained about it to the king.
After the Assembly had been created, the lower class did not have representation. Although the lower class made up most of the population, the upper classes still won the vote because they were well represented. The lower class wanted equal representation. Soon after, the lower class called themselves the National Assembly. That’s when a lot of the radical revolting began. There were extremely dangerous and life threatening attacks against the upper classes. The lower classes started looking at enlightenment ideas especially ones that dealt with “ equal opportunity, freedom of speech, popular sovereignty and representative government,” ( After France went to war with Austria, the king was arrested by a group of extremists. He and his wife, the infamous Marie Antoinette, were eventually beheaded for treason. The French Revolution ended when Napoleon Bonaparte led the military which was extremely powerful at that time. The revolution happened because the lower class wanted to get rid of aristocracy and have equal rights instead. They also wanted to get rid of Christianity so the church would have less
power. The revolution leaders took music seriously. They believed music had an influence on the way people thought and felt. The revolution and the enlightenment changed the way the world was afterward. The enlightenment brought people to be more intellectually curious in many different types of platforms including science, philosophy, and music.