Charles and David Koch, referred to as the Koch brothers, have been operating the American government since the 1970s, funding lobbyists and investing in a “private political bank” supporting a carefully constructed group of wealthy conservatives in order to boost their ideologies into the American political system (Mayer 5). They amassed immense control over government officials and whole branches, bending them to their immediate will without need for explanation, only payment.
This new agenda the Koch brothers were, and are, pushing libertarian ideals, involved in the free market and the expansion of capitalism. They held seminars with extremely wealthy businessmen and discussed the future of the Koch ideologies, shaping conservatives and libertarians alike. One such summit discussed climate change, which many in the room did not believe existed; the Koch brothers were “vehemently opposed the government taking any action on climate change that would hurt their fossil fuel profits”, leading an uproar in the wealthy fossil fuel …show more content…
Charles and David had become the leading benefactors to libertarian ideologies, both agreeing almost completely on every subject; while “Charles’s aim […] was to tear the government out ‘at the root’” (Mayer 53). His total control philosophy came from his childhood, where his father controlled him until his death with explicit authority. Since then, he has not let anyone stand in his way of his personal control of the family company. However, this company still had limitations on the amount of control Charles could enact, “only the governments and the courts remained as sources of authority” (qtd. in Mayer 54). Thus the birth of the libertarian ideology by Charles, and his favorability towards the free