This group was able to become so popular because America was afraid of change, they joined this clan in pressure of fear. Also as a result of the Red Scare and anti immigrant feelings, which KKK used that as an excuse to harass anyone that was unlike them. People also joined because they were mad about the immigration coming into America. Many people also did not want blacks and other groups unlike them to gain …show more content…
The urban areas were more modern cultures, while rural areas were more traditional during the 20’s. They were divided between a new advancing America and a old titanic America. The urban areas battled with the KKK because as the urban cities were advancing the KKK wanted to stay and the same and still banned rights against certain races and anti immigration. This caused divided and violence throughout America.
As the KKK was a protestant group, they hated other religions which cause fear throughout America. As, a result many people joined the KKK also, people that were for racisms and the discrimination of blacks also contributed to this group. People wanted to be with the majority and so this cause a lot of people to also join the KKK, many people during the 20’s were dealing with immigration and racial and different religious views that did not line up the the Ku Klux Klan’s