Different groups of Indians responded differently to oppose their life style changes. For instance, Comanche and Kiowa raiding parties used the reservation during the winter to store seasonal supplies and resuming their nomadic ways during spring time. Other tribes, such as Crow, Arikara, Pawnee, and Shoshoni fought along side the U.S army to defeat their old enemy, the Sioux. This strategy helped them avoid the fate of being shipped to reservations and they were able to stay in their homeland. Indians who refused to stay on reservation where hunted down and sent back or sometimes killed. Soon, many Indians only had two choices of either staying in reservations or be haunted down. Yet, others such as the Apaches resorted to armed resistance. They would perform hit-and-run guerrilla warfare that terrorized the white settlers. On the other hand, tribes such as the Sioux turned to nonviolent form of resistance called Ghost
Different groups of Indians responded differently to oppose their life style changes. For instance, Comanche and Kiowa raiding parties used the reservation during the winter to store seasonal supplies and resuming their nomadic ways during spring time. Other tribes, such as Crow, Arikara, Pawnee, and Shoshoni fought along side the U.S army to defeat their old enemy, the Sioux. This strategy helped them avoid the fate of being shipped to reservations and they were able to stay in their homeland. Indians who refused to stay on reservation where hunted down and sent back or sometimes killed. Soon, many Indians only had two choices of either staying in reservations or be haunted down. Yet, others such as the Apaches resorted to armed resistance. They would perform hit-and-run guerrilla warfare that terrorized the white settlers. On the other hand, tribes such as the Sioux turned to nonviolent form of resistance called Ghost