
How Did The New Deal Strengthen Or Weaken The Usa Capitalism

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How Did The New Deal Strengthen Or Weaken The Usa Capitalism
FDR & The Great Depression
“No President has ever inherited such a load of problems and responsibilities as Roosevelt,”(1) In 1930, the U.S. was in the depths of the Great Depression. Unemployment rates had risen and homelessness was in the millions. The 1920’s industrialization period was not profitable for everyone; factories produced products that the majority of its workers could not afford due to their wages being so low. Many of the products couldn’t even be sold overseas due to high tariffs and lack of money in Europe after WWI American farmers struggled with conditions of the Dust Bowl, a drought that affected more than a million acres of farmland due to over farming and severe drought. The result was a mass migration of people from rural lands to urban areas like
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Roosevelt became president with an overwhelming vote at the darkest hour of the great depression, because of his promise of a new deal for the American people. The group of legislative reforms that came to be known as the new deal dramatically transformed the politics and economy of the United States. Shortly after taking office, Roosevelt explained to the American people that his new deal program would seek to deliver relief, recovery, and reform which were called the 3 Rs. In the field of relief, the new deal proved to be highly successful. Roosevelt’s administration established the Agricultural Adjustment Act. the theory of supply and demand economics, the AAA was a government act that rewarded farmers for their reduction in crops, causing higher prices and greater profits for farmers. Millions of Americans, unable to find work in an economy that was still badly broken four years into the Great Depression, might have literally starved to death if not for the government checks they earned by working for new agencies like the Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration. In terms of reform, the new deal legacy may have been unmatched in American

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