There was a Plague that God had put on Egypt called the Nile turn to blood. Once I read the passage I realized the many powers of God. He told Moses he would make him like God to Pharaoh and he was to say everything that God had commended him to say. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let his people go which was the Israelites. Pharaoh who had a hard heart did not listen to Moses and did not let the people go instead he asked Moses to perform a miracle and then he would. God gave Moses and Aaron the power to do so and turned their staff into a snake but Pharaoh’s Magicians was able to do the same.
There was a Plague that God had put on Egypt called the Nile turn to blood. Once I read the passage I realized the many powers of God. He told Moses he would make him like God to Pharaoh and he was to say everything that God had commended him to say. God told Moses to tell Pharaoh to let his people go which was the Israelites. Pharaoh who had a hard heart did not listen to Moses and did not let the people go instead he asked Moses to perform a miracle and then he would. God gave Moses and Aaron the power to do so and turned their staff into a snake but Pharaoh’s Magicians was able to do the same.