The Protestant Reformation caused many changes in the political and social aspects of European life, most notably the tension between the Catholics and Protestants at the time period, greater rights for women, and the further expansion of education. The tension between the Catholics and Protestants led to many different political changes throughout Europe. Women, where before had near no rights, now had much more than they had ever been seen before in European culture. Whereas in the Renaissance, although there were expansions in education, it was available to only the elite, it now was becoming more open for a common person.. These changes not only reformed that time period but have lasting impacts on life to the date.…
The Protestant Reformation is breakdown of authority and power in the Catholic Church. It happened because of black death, renaissance (Humanism, Secularism). Divine right is the idea that God created the monarchy. The monarchy started in October, 31, 1517. The black death impacted the Protestant reformation.…
During the Catholic and Protestant reformation in the 1500s there was a shift in the people of Europe and in their culture. The European view on faith changed and they began to move more away from the rituals, and if it were not for the Reformation the Europeans would not have been able to get away from the power of the Church.…
The Catholic Reformation was developed to rebuild Roman Catholicism and put an end to the spread of Protestantism.…
The Protestant Reformation began because people had different opinions on how the Church should be run. These people gained followers and began spreading their ideas with the rest of Christianity. Martin Luther was the initial founder of the Reformation; shortly after his ideas were posted, he obtained followers and his new church began to grow rapidly. Shortly after Luther, many other reform groups were created with different beliefs on how the Church is meant to be organized and how Christianity is meant to be observed. There is no one reform group, rather there many different groups of people who have different approaches on how to run the church. Universities had a key role in starting the spreading the Reformation movement.…
The Protestant Reformation was a movement aimed at calling attention to the Roman Catholic Church practices and doctrine…
The Protestant Reformation was a religious and social movement that spread far across Europe among many groups of people. Particularly, several events throughout the 16th and 17th centuries furthered the reformation of closely-knit religion and society, with many people drifting away from a Catholic monastic lifestyle and absolute obedience to papal authorities. Instead, these people valued faith and freedom from religious beliefs and institutions that seemed foreign to Christian faith. Many protestants were of lower social classes, in favor of freeing themselves from the higher institutions controlling them and hopeful with the possibility of eventual social mobility. Protestant ideas in favor of the lower classes led to an uprising of peasants…
The Protestant Reformation happened because the breakdown of authority and power of the Catholic Church. The black death occurred, Renaissance, humanism, and secularism. Which starts the war between Catholics and Protestants. And leaders try to break from the century old grip of the Catholic Church.…
By the late 1500s, Christian divisions had been flying up all over Europe. This was in light of the reports of liberalities (offering of opportunity from limbo), administrative indecency, manhandle of cash, alongside numerous other awful activities that were uncontrolled among the Church. It was these issues that Luther and others revolted and made their own religions. With the ascending of these Reformation developments, the Church expected to make a few changes itself. These changes appeared as teaching the ministry, opening religious communities, the Inquisition, and the sorting out of committees.…
They were eventually forced to reform their own church as well (Perry 343). The Protestant Reformation and the ideas of people like Martin Luther and Erasmus had completely changed the religious background in Europe. During the fifteenth, sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Catholic Church lost much of its power and following to Protestantism. Since then many other branches of Protestantism have been created all over the world. Today we can see that the Christian people are still divided into many different sects of Christianity. The ideas of Martin Luther certainly revolutionized religion in modern…
The protestant reformation was a schism from the Roman Catholic Church started by Martin Luther. Luther was the driving force behind the reformation, and was essentially the one who called for action. The reformation was aimed initially to change or alter some ideas that the Catholic church had added or had. The protestant reformation was driven by ambitious political leaders who disagreed with the ideas of the church and wanted change.…
Once the protestant reformation started and warfare had been happening. The declines of popes had begun to start.…
The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement throughout Europe during the 16th century. During this time, the acceptance of worshiping God how a person wanted to wasn’t met with the scrutiny that the Catholic Church dealt among non-conformists in the past. The Reformation was spurred by the teachings of Martin Luther, a former catholic monk. His ideals helped to lead entire nations into the beginning of an era of religious freedom. The Reformation also led to much of what America’s religious ideals are today. Much of what allows for religious freedom in today’s world was due to the Reformation (“Protestant 2012”).…
The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century religious, political, intellectual and cultural even that split up Europe. The protest against the church was not entirely new. In England there had been similar protests in the 14th century: although these had been crushed. Luther gained a lot of support for his ideas. Many people were unhappy with the Pope and the Church. The Reformation began as an attempt to reform the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation started in the northern and central parts of Europe. This area was affected because it is further away from the Catholic religious capital, Vatican City. Reformers like Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII challenged Catholic authority and questioned the Catholic Church's ability to define the Christian practice. A movement began in…
The Protestant Reformation was the 16th Century move to democracy for Christians and time of reform from the “dark ages” or from the strict control of the Roman Catholic Church. The reformation was initiated by a schism within the Eurpoe Christian community within the church, and among other Christians that had divergent interpretations of the Bible. It was also a time of change and time for new opportunities and asking new questions. The reformation brought new structures and beliefs that would change everything and have a definite impact on our modern era.…