U.S. Since the United States was brought into World War 1, there was a decision to put a draft into place, or demand to enroll into military services from any qualifying person during war time. In 1919, Schneck, an american citizen, spoke out against this war-time decision but was arrested for handing out circulars that encouraged draftees to oppose the draft, which violated the Espionage Act by attempting to cause insubordination in the military and to obstruct recruitment . Schneck insisted that an arrest like this violated his First Amendment Right to freedom of Speech and Press. Ultimately, this case was brought all the way up to the Supreme Court, stating that during a time of war individual freedoms or rights can be limited or shrunken to protect national security. This case formed the phrase " clear and present danger". Supreme Court ruled that Schneck proposed a clear and present danger to american society. This is why we cant yell "fire!" in a movie theater or in any crowded public
U.S. Since the United States was brought into World War 1, there was a decision to put a draft into place, or demand to enroll into military services from any qualifying person during war time. In 1919, Schneck, an american citizen, spoke out against this war-time decision but was arrested for handing out circulars that encouraged draftees to oppose the draft, which violated the Espionage Act by attempting to cause insubordination in the military and to obstruct recruitment . Schneck insisted that an arrest like this violated his First Amendment Right to freedom of Speech and Press. Ultimately, this case was brought all the way up to the Supreme Court, stating that during a time of war individual freedoms or rights can be limited or shrunken to protect national security. This case formed the phrase " clear and present danger". Supreme Court ruled that Schneck proposed a clear and present danger to american society. This is why we cant yell "fire!" in a movie theater or in any crowded public