Plessy vs Furguson was a set back in the fight for equal rights. The case states that any business or service had to serve African Americans in equal but separate places than white people. These "separate" places were labeled "White" and "Colored." In fact the seperate places that they were required by law to go to were not equal. In general Colored buildings and utilities were older and dirtier compared to White people utilities. This case set back equal rights however, it made African Americans fight for their endowed rights for decades to come. …show more content…
As a result the Supreme Court ruled that it made it illegal for judicial enforcement of racial separation. In particular they felt like it violated the 14th amendment which was put in place for the prevention of racial segregation. Also, Colored people were considered citizens and got the rights of a normal citizen. Even though they were now considered citizens they still had to overcome the social acceptance of the majority of