The Greek national army didn’t defeat the communists alone. They were backed up by the United States and Great Britain. There leaders were Winston Churchill, Ronald Scobie and James van fleet. Winston Churchill who was the prime minister of …show more content…
The greek communists had been supported by the axis powers who had enslaved everyone. People wanted the war to end but Yugoslavia’s Josip Broz Tito wanted it to continue. He helped the greek communists in their efforts. This agreement had angered stalin who had recently agreed with Winston Churchill that they wouldn’t support the greek communists. There were other communists parties that occurred like the Communist Party of Yugoslavia. Tito's Yugoslavia initially supported the KKE but withdrew this support after the break between Tito and Stalin in 1948. Even though tito supported the communists at one point in the civil war he withdrew his support and supported the United States and Great Britain to defeat the greek