
How Did The Yellow River Build Its Civilization

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How Did The Yellow River Build Its Civilization
The Yellow River is an important part of China and its civilizations. The Yellow River provided silt which helped civilizations thrive by letting them farm. The Yellow River created the North China Plain which was the center of all activity, people raised livestock, farmed and civilizations expanded there. The Yellow River was also a way of transportation for people and goods.
The name Yellow River was given to the river was because of the silt that flows through the river. The Yellow River carries 1.6 billion tons of silt every year. 1.4 billion tons are emptied into the Bohai Sea while the remaining 0.2 stays in the river. The silt that runs through the river are extremely fertile. The fertile soil is blown from the highlands of central
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The Yellow River civilization began to farm using the water and fertile silt from the Yellow River. Millet which is highly nutritious was the main crop that was grown. The Yellow River Civilization would fish from the river, they would hunt for animals that lived nearby like deer, and gathered other kinds of food that grew near the river. They also raised animals like dogs, chickens and pigs. The North China Plain created the Yellow River Civilization and was the home to the people there and was the center of activity. The Yellow River was a way of transportation for both people and items. The Yellow River was a very important way of transport because it was faster to travel by water than by land. The Chinese built small rafts made of inflated sheep and pig skin tied together. Each raft would be able to carry around 4 to 5 people. Bridges were also built so that people would be able to get across the river. The bridges were made up of pontoons that were connected together. These bridges worked, but they were not very effective because the pontoons would get washed away during floods. Besides people, items were transported using the Yellow River. The Chinese would get on rafts and travel to other areas to trade with other civilizations. They traded things like salt, iron, copper and lead. The Yellow River helped people and items get around so that the Yellow River Civilization would be able to flourish and

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