Vincent experienced various problems in life such as dropping out of school, not getting along with his parents, poverty, disastrous and heartbreaking relationships with lovers and friends, and a mental illness that caused him to cut off his own ear and be placed into an asylum. All the problems that he endured in his life actually helped him begin the journey of an artist, as well as helped him improve. While Vincent was going through those difficulties, the encouragement and love of his brother and art are the only things that aided his emotional healing process. However, creating art only provided him with so much relief, because his mental illness eventually became too overwhelming, causing him to take his own life at the age of
Vincent experienced various problems in life such as dropping out of school, not getting along with his parents, poverty, disastrous and heartbreaking relationships with lovers and friends, and a mental illness that caused him to cut off his own ear and be placed into an asylum. All the problems that he endured in his life actually helped him begin the journey of an artist, as well as helped him improve. While Vincent was going through those difficulties, the encouragement and love of his brother and art are the only things that aided his emotional healing process. However, creating art only provided him with so much relief, because his mental illness eventually became too overwhelming, causing him to take his own life at the age of