
How Did Winston Churchill Become A Hero

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How Did Winston Churchill Become A Hero
During Sir Winston Churchill’s life, he served as a military man, worked in politics, and was eventually elected Prime Minister. Churchill was in the Army for a brief time before he became a Member of Parliament in the Conservative Party for Oldham in 1900. Unhappy with the Conservative Party, Winston changed parties and switched to the Liberal Party in 1904. Later, Winston Churchill successfully helped his allies win World War 2 and defeat the Axis powers. Churchill started suffering from a series of strokes in June of 1953, at the age of 78, but he returned to work as the Prime Minister in October of that year. With his health declining, Churchill retired as the Prime Minister in 1955, but he remained on the Parliament until the general …show more content…
Even before World War 1, Churchill served as the President of the Board of Trade, and the First Lord of the Admiralty. Although these achievements sound great, he almost did not become the hero he is today because Winston failed the exam for British Royal Military College. He never gave up, and on his third attempt passed it. He later finished in the top 20% of his class which had 130 students. Churchill became a Member of Parliament in 1900, for Conservative Party for Oldham. Thereafter Churchill was elected as a Member of Parliament in 1908, and was later appointed who were on the prime minister’s cabinet as president of the Board of Trade. Winston Churchill turned others who were on the Board of Trade away of laissez-faire to social reform. Churchill introduced reforms for minimum wage, prison systems, unemployment insurance, and helped set up work exchanges for the unemployed. Winston Churchill suggested the People’s Budget, which used new taxes on the wealthy to pay for new social programs. Churchill also set up minimum wage labors like mine workers and imposed an eight-hour maximum day for miners. Even while Churchill was serving as the First Lord of the Admiralty, he helped modernize the British Navy by ordering that all new ships be made with oil-fired engines rather coal-fired

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