The Invention of the Automobile
The Automobile was invented by Karl Benz in 1885, but the first person to take a steam engine and place it on a full-sized vehicle was a Frenchman named Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, who between 1769 and 1771 built …show more content…
a steam-powered automobile more than thirty years before the railway's first steam locomotive. The origin of this vehicle even goes back to 1672, when Ferdinand Verbiest, a member of a Jesuit mission in China, built the first steam-powered vehicle as a toy for the Chinese Emperor. It was of small enough scale that it could not carry a driver but it was, quite possibly the first working steam-powered vehicle. However, many could argue over who was the "real" inventor of the automobile. Effects of the Automobile on Humans
The car is a major contributor to air pollution, climate change and the depletion of natural resources like fossil fuels.
Anywhere automobiles are used, there's an obvious increase in the risk of traffic accidents. Controlling such a large piece of machinery can be dangerous to the driver, passengers, other drivers on the road and pedestrians not using vehicles.
Cars allow us to cross the United States in a matter of days, whereas before automobiles, the journey would be a long and hard one to make. They also increase productivity and global span of a company's products. It has also created jobs and new communities as well as increased social activity. They increased knowledge about America as well as in other countries.
(I didn't really use any resources)
Automobiles have been around for a long time and have had an interesting history. They have changed throughout the years, from Benz's Motorwagen to the thing we all know and love today. Although they have many negative attributes, however, life is better with them than without. Whether for better or for worse, automobiles have and will continue to make a huge impact in our everyday