Nowadays peace is striven to be achieved through different methodologies – starting from grass root and civilian initiatives to participation of NGO’s and intergovernmental military alliances. However, new perspective has originated, welcoming to apply spirituality and mysticism as tools for peace implementation and development of intercultural understanding. This essay is going to discuss this argument from the view point of Wayne Teasdale and George Vaillant. First, it will explain the interdependence of peace an intercultural understanding. Second, it is going to discuss Teasdale’s arguments of mysticism and spiritualities’ capacity to create global society with a heart. Finally, it will explore Vaillant’s argument of positive emotions being a product of spirituality that can be a long-time provider of peace.
Albert Einstein has said that ‘peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved through understanding’, thus introducing idea of interdependence of both concepts - peace and intercultural understanding. As culture is the pattern of people basic assumptions according to which their identities are filtered, it is very crucial to establish healthy grounds of intercultural understanding, to be able to build up tolerance that is so vital for peace.1 However, for a long – time peace voluntary participation and sense of equality are vital that can be achieved if mysticism and spirituality are involved in this process, as they show the unifying nature of all spiritual people. Thus it can be argued that both mysticism and spirituality can be perceived as useful tools for peace building, as without mutual respect and comprehension peace cannot be achieved.
According to Teasdale’s view mysticism and spirituality are useful for establishment of peace and intercultural understanding at first, as they require full individual’s commitment.2
Bibliography: Tesdale, W., The Mystic Heart, New World Library, California, 1999. Johnston, D., Faith-Based Diplomacy: Trumping Realpolitik, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2011, viewed 16 March 2013, p. 19. Ki-moon, B., Intercultural Understanding, Tolerance Vital for Peace, Sustainable Development, United Nations, 2013, last viewed 16 March 2013, Teasdale, W., ‘Spirituality as a Primary Resource in Promoting Peace’, Integral World, last viewed 16 March 2013, Vaillant, G. E., ‘Positive Emotions, Spirituality and the Practice of Psychiatry’, Mental Health, Spiritual Mind, Vol. 6. Issue 1, 2008, p. 48-62, last viewed 16 March 2013, 1229;year=2008;volume=6;issue=1;spage=48;epage=62;aulast=Vaillant.