
How Do We Consecrate Their Cult Indoctrination?

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How Do We Consecrate Their Cult Indoctrination?
Watchful Steadfast was ready to become a man. He had yet to fall in love, but felt God’s will to rise to the role of a husband. Dove Love, despite having never spoken to Watchful, was the lucky girl handpicked by the leaders to marry him. Working in laundry, Dove’s days involved washing and ironing clothes for over 500 people. However, she was now about to take on the most noble job title of all; a submissive wife. The couple’s courtship was brisk. They refrained from all physical contact for the few weeks of supervised bonding time prior to the wedding. On the day of their marriage, they marched down the aisle of the Church with bibles gripped tightly by their sides. The companions then retired to a private place to promptly consecrate their …show more content…
At Gloriavale, children are reared from the day they are born to accept a life of servitude. Becoming a wife meant that Dove was obliged to be subservient to her husband, unable to question him or voice her own opinion. Disconnected from the rest of New Zealand, their education revolves around creationism and they are taught to never disobey the leaders commands. Couples like Dove and Watchful, are indoctrinated to not use birth control but instead put their trust in God’s hands. To most people, the Christians at Gloriavale may be seem to be ‘too’ focused on following the new testament. But are we ‘too’ focused on materialistic things in life? Whether it’s the new gadget you crave, a brand you have to wear, or that car you’re coveting, we all have a materialistic side. But objects don’t make us happy. Totally counter-intuitively, giving does. In Gloriavale, couples like Dove and Watchful know their path in life and are completely devoted to their religion. However, kids in our society are frivolous. We are prone to equating owning things with happiness and we constantly compare what we have to everyone else. Somewhere along the line our definition of success has become blurred, it became about money. Our whole culture teaches us to believe that we need to study so we can find work, and then work to become wealthy. We worship money. In some ways we are just as brainwashed as those in

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