How can we be sure that a collection of documents written many centuries ago has been faithfully and correctly transmitted to us in the Bibles we read today? Before written in the Gospels, the teachings of Jesus were preserved in human memory. Thanks to flashbulb memories, defined as "a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event."(189, thes disciples were able to document significant teachings that they personally experienced or were memories from others. Fortunately certain memories may be immune to fading over time, particularly those which provoked a strong emotional sense. For example, the day your baby was born or in the case of the Gospels, the day you were healed by Jesus. There is a likelihood that personal events that directly changed the eyewitnesses' own life would remain especially vivid to that person. Therefore as the disciples recalled these precious moments, they were ingrained in their heads and they could tell them with great clarity. Critics argue that because the disciples did not have a direct emotional connection with envery situation, the weaker the memory or that because of this time gap, information was altered. That does not mean that every flashbulb memory is one hundred percent accurate, as the disciples were also humans. They could easily fall into the seven sins of memory. (193)
These experiences were not likely recorded the day or moment they happened. Therefore they required some element of recall. If the disciples were with Jesus as he Fed the Five Thousand, they could easily remember this time through just imagining or remembering being at that place. Because their senses were engaged, they would recall what they heard or what they felt. These were amazing, empowering events that alone would be hard to forget. Another trigger is emotion. If you felt a special sense of joy when hearing a particular Sermon that when recalling that experience you would feel that same sense of joy that was associated